A violin can change the world
We created A violin can change the world to help as many disadvantaged children as possible. Our goal is to help them perform better in school by teaching them to play the violin—a challenging instrument—through regular, consistent instruction.
This sweeping experiment, launched in 2015 in Switzerland and in 2017 in France, will reach more than 8,000 students in 82 schools by the fall of 2024.
We co-created the program with national education officials in France, canton-level authorities in Switzerland, and our partner towns. We’re now working with education authorities to hand off the program and help them to deploy it on their own by 2025.
Fast facts: Fall 2023
young violinists
violin teachers
schools in France
schools in Switzerland
children helped by 2025
A violin can change the world
Explore our program
Project fundamentals
in disadvantaged areasstudents
ages 4 to 8violin teachers
are highly qualifiedteaching method
is age-appropriate3 group classes
a week, during the school dayviolins
each child has their own instrumentopen classes
family members are welcomeevaluation
is independent & scientificAll the News

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